I am a creative technologist who develops custom made software and hardware to create performative electronic installations.


Lead Creative Technologist and Engineer, Hardware Programming, Hardware Development,
Circuit Board Design and Assembly, Installation



Paradise City Art Space, South Korea.

DYSFUNCTIONAL Exhibition by Carpenters Workshop Gallery in Cad’oro, Venice


Work by Random International

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mirror, metal cast bases, motors, custom motion tracking software, camera, computer

Mounted on small metal feet, the horde of mirrors are clearly mechanical yet the demeanour of their movement gives a sense of abstracted, human-like behaviour making them appear oddly anthropomorphic.

Through simple pan and tilt gestures akin to turning one’s head, the mirrors convey individual characters but when a person approaches, they all turn to face the visitor in one inquisitive, synchronised gesture. Reflected in every mirror, the onlooker becomes the subject of their own gaze and that of the artwork.

For more information, please visit the official page.